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	<TITLE>Twins Paradox Simulation</TITLE>

<script type="text/javascript">

	sd=0; md=0;                 // direction of photons for static and moving clocks
	lpd=0; lpx=200;		    // direction and location of linking photon
	mlx=200; mrx=210;
	slx=200; srx=220;           // initial location of moving mirrors
	spx=200; mpx=200;	    // initial location of photons
	tsx=0; tmx=0;	            // time display for static and moving clocks
	v=.8660254038; c=1;	    // mirrors speed vs speed of photon
	st=0; s=1;                      // start variable


	function run()

// moving mirrors
	if(st==1){mlx+=v; mrx+=v}          // start mirrors
	if(mpx>mrx && md==1){md=-1; mrx-=.866; mlx-=.866; mpx=mrx}  // detect right collision; reverse directions
	if(mpx<mlx && md==-1){md=1; mlx-=.866; mrx-=.866; mpx=mlx; tmx+=1}//detect left coll; rev dir; update time

	if(md==-1){mpx-=c}		   // move photon both directions
	if(md== 1){mpx+=c}

	if(tsx==32){md=0; sd=0; lpd=0; st=0}

// Linking photon
	//if(lpx>mrx && lpd==1){lpd=-1}	   // detect right collision; reverse photon dir
	//if(lpx<200 && lpd==-1){lpd=1}	   // detect left collision; reverse photon dir

	//if(lpd==-1){lpx-=c}		   // move photon both directions
	//if(lpd== 1){lpx+=c}

// Static mirrors
	if(spx>=srx && sd==1){sd=-1; spx}        // detect right collision; reverse mirr dir
	if(spx<=slx && sd==-1){sd=1; spx=200; tsx+=1}//detect left coll; reverse dir; update time

	if(sd==-1){spx-=c}		    // move photon both directions
	if(sd== 1){spx+=c}

// Update display
	sp.style.left=spx;                   // update photons positions

	ml.style.left=mlx;                   // update moving clock position

	ts.innerHTML=tsx;		     // update time display 

	function start()
	{md=1; sd=1; lpd=1; st=1}



<BODY style="background-color:black;color:white;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:18pt">

<center><H1>Twins Paradox Simulation</H1><br></center>

<b id="sp" style="position:absolute; left:200;top:100; font-size:18; color:red">|</b>
<b id="mp" style="position:absolute; left:200;top:120; font-size:18; color:red">|</b>
<b id="lp" style="position:absolute; left:200;top:100; font-size:18; color:white">|</b>

<b         style="position:absolute; left:220;top:100; font-size:18; color:blue">|</b>
<b         style="position:absolute; left:200;top:100; font-size:18; color:blue">|</b>

<b id="ml" style="position:absolute; left:210;top:120; font-size:18; color:yellow">|</b>
<b id="mr" style="position:absolute; left:200;top:120; font-size:18; color:yellow">|</b>

<a id="ts" style="position:absolute; left:180;top:100; font-size:18; color:blue"></a>
<a id="tm" style="position:absolute; left:180;top:120; font-size:18; color:yellow"></a>

<input type="button" style="position:absolute; left:200; top:200" value="start" onclick="start()"/>


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