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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v4.4 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Isaac Ellis (Big Huge Games) -->
<!--RULES.XML - Rise of Nations - Copyright (c) 2003 Big Huge Games Inc.-->
<!-- edited with XMLSPY v5 rel. 2 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Brian Reynolds (Big Huge Games) -->
  <!--LOCALIZATION: Do NOT translate below. These are lookups.-->
    <!--Map distances and speeds are specified as multiples or fractions of a "tile" (aka "TCoord") . A farm is 4 TCoords wide, or 1 WCoord wide.-->
    <!--so smaller denominators make larger distances/faster speeds. "0" denom specifies-->
    <!--no distance/speed. Largest denominator allowed is 192.-->
    <!--Times are specified in "frames" or fifteenths of seconds (so 75 = five seconds at "normal" 1:1 speed). -->
    <UNIT_FORMATION_SPACING value="1/16 tile (calibration for unit spacing in formations)"/>
    <UNIT_MOVE_SPEED value="1/192 tile (granularity for unit movement speeds)"/>
    <UNIT_TURN_SPEED value="1/1 rate (master control for unit turn speed)"/>
    <UNIT_PACK_TURN_BONUS value="2x (units turn faster when packed)"/>
    <UNIT_BLOCK_RADIUS value="1 UCoord (master calibration for unit blocking)"/>
    <UNIT_GUY_SPACING value="1/16 tile (calibration for spacing within a foot unit)"/>
    <UNIT_RESPOND_RANGE value="12 tiles: distance units normally look for enemies to attack, or whatever. (BR 12/20/2002-- turned this up now that defensive has its own) "/>
    <UNIT_DEFENSIVE_RESPOND_RANGE value="4 tiles (This seems to keep people from blindly wandering into as many forts, while still letting the melee units respond reasonably)"/>
    <SHIP_DEFENSIVE_RESPOND_RANGE value="8 tiles (Ships need a better respond range so fire ships won't just sit there)"/>
    <UNIT_GUARD_RESPOND_RANGE value="8 tiles (BR 1/16/2003 -- figured this should be smaller than 12)"/>
    <UNIT_BUILD_RESPOND_RANGE value="12 tiles"/>
    <UNIT_GATHER_RESPOND_RANGE value="32 tiles"/>
    <AIRCRAFT_RESPOND_RANGE value="10 tiles (BR 1/16/2003 -- made this smaller so that planes don't go wandering all over the place into air defenses)"/>
    <BOMBER_RESPOND_RANGE value="12 tiles "/>
    <TARGET_RADIUS value="1/2 tile (calibration for target sizes)"/>
    <MILITARY_TRANSPORT_BONUS value="2 speed bonus for transports per military tech"/>
    <RANGE_INACCURACY value="1/100 -percent per # tiles"/>
    <HEIGHT_INCREMENT value="200 z (whatever that means, I don't think it's in TCoords)"/>
    <HEIGHT_BONUS value="10% per increment"/>
    <FLANK_BONUS value="50% per level of flank (max bonus is twice this number)"/>
    <CAVALRY_FLANK_BONUS value="40% (of base flank bonus)"/>
    <VEHICLE_FLANK_BONUS value="33% (of base flank bonus)"/>
    <ROCKY_MODIFIER value="2/3 (light infantry in rocks)"/>
    <OVERKILL_FRAMES value="30 (unit hit twice or more w/in this time period receives attenuated damage from second and subsequent hits). Does not apply to damage from buildings."/>
    <OVERKILL_DAMAGE value="1/3"/>
    <ENTRENCHMENT_MODIFIER value="2/3"/>
    <RIVER_MODIFIER value="2/1 (units take more damage in rivers)"/>
    <RECAPTURE_CITY_MODIFIER value="2/1"/>
    <ONE_AGE_DOWN value="15%"/>
    <TWO_AGES_DOWN value="20%"/>
    <THREE_AGES_DOWN value="25%"/>
    <FOUR_AGES_DOWN value="30%"/>
    <FIVE_AGES_DOWN value="35%"/>
    <UNIT_TRAIN_DISTANCE value="3/2 tile"/>
    <UNIT_TRAIN_MAX_DISTANCE value="5/2 tile"/>
    <BOAT_TRAIN_DISTANCE value="3/2 tile"/>
    <BOAT_TRAIN_MAX_DISTANCE value="8 tile"/>
    <BOAT_GARRISON_MAX_DISTANCE value="3 tile"/>
    <UNIT_BOARD_DISTANCE value="3/1 tile"/>
    <UNIT_DISEMBARK_DISTANCE value="3/1 tile"/>
    <AIR_UNIT_MANA_RECHARGE value="2 craft per frame"/>
    <MAX_AIRCRAFT_PER_AIRBASE value="10"/>
    <DOCK_RADIUS value="12 tiles"/>
    <MINE_RADIUS value="6 tiles"/>
    <WOODCUTTER_RADIUS value="8 tiles"/>
    <FORT_UPGRADE_TERR entry0="2" entry1="4" entry2="6" entry3="9"/>
    <TEMPLE_UPGRADE_TERR entry0="2" entry1="4" entry2="6" entry3="9" entry4="12"/>
    <CIVIC_UPGRADE_TERR entry0="0" entry1="1" entry2="2" entry3="4" entry4="6" entry5="8" entry6="11" entry7="14"/>
    <CITY_UPGRADE_TERR entry0="0" entry1="3" entry2="6"/>
    <TERRITORY_BASE value="24 tiles"/>
    <TERRITORY_LIMIT_BASE value="44 tiles"/>
    <TERRITORY_LIMIT_CIVIC value="4 tiles"/>
    <TERRITORY_LIMIT_CITY value="4 tiles"/>
    <TERRITORY_DEN value="5"/>
    <TERRITORY_NUM value="11          (Numerator + (CityorFortMultiplier * BorderBonuses))/Denominator"/>
    <CITY_CENTER_RADIUS value="20 tiles"/>
    <CITY_CENTER_POP_RADIUS value="4 tiles"/>
    <CITY_CAPTURE_RADIUS value="10 tiles"/>
    <CITY_SPACING value="24 Tiles"/>
    <RELAX_CITY_SPACING value="6 Tiles"/>
    <FIRST_CITY_NEAR_COAST value="16 Tiles"/>
    <FORT_SPACING value="12 Tiles"/>
    <FORT_TO_ENEMY_CITY_SPACING value="32 Tiles"/>
    <CITY_BUILDINGS value="5"/>
    <METRO_BUILDINGS value="9"/>
    <BUILDING_HP_UPGRADE value="10% per level"/>
    <TEMPLE_UPGRADE_HP entry0="25%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="150%" entry4="200%"/>
    <TEMPLE_UPGRADE_RANGE entry0="1" entry1="2" entry2="3" entry3="4" entry4="5"/>
    <FORT_UPGRADE_LOS entry0="0" entry1="2" entry2="4" entry3="6" entry4="8"/>
    <FORT_UPGRADE_RANGE entry0="0" entry1="1" entry2="2" entry3="3" entry4="4"/>
    <TOWER_FORT_RANGE entry0="0" entry1="1" entry2="2" entry3="3"/>
    <TOWER_FORT_LOS entry0="0" entry1="2" entry2="4" entry3="6"/>
    <ATTRITION_UPGRADE entry0="25% (decrease from Forage)" entry1="50% (total net decrease from Supply)" entry2="75% (total net decrease from Logistics)" entry3="100% (not used)"/>
    <ATTRITION_IMPROVED entry0="1" entry1="2" entry2="4" entry3="8"/>
    <SPY_UPGRADE_HP entry0="15" entry1="45" entry2="90" entry3="150"/>
    <SIEGE_ATTRITION value="50% reduction"/>
    <MILITIA_ATTRITION value="300% increase"/>
    <ATTRITION_AGED_UP value="25% increase"/>
    <TROOPS_UPGRADE_LOS value="2"/>
    <SPY_UPGRADE_LOS value="2"/>
    <SPY_BRIBE_UPGRADE_RANGE value="2"/>
    <GENERAL_UPGRADE_LOS value="2"/>
    <SPY_GENERAL_COST value="50% with bonus"/>
    <JAM_UNIT_RADAR_PROB value="50%"/>
    <UNIT_RATE_BASE value="6/5 base rate (See BR before adjusting)"/>
    <UNIT_RATE_PROGRESSION value="3/4 progression (See BR before adjusting)"/>
    <ACCEL_TRAIN value="1/1 speed  (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
    <ACCEL_CONSTRUCT value="1/1 speed  (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
    <ACCEL_RESEARCH value="1/1 speed  (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
    <STARTING_GOODS entry0="200food&#xA;" entry1="200timb" entry2="100gd" entry3="100know" entry4="100met" entry5="100oil"/>
    <BASIC_GATHER entry0="0food" entry1="0timb&#xA;" entry2="0gd" entry3="0know" entry4="0met" entry5="0oil"/>
    <CITY_GATHER entry0="10food" entry1="10timb&#xA;" entry2="0gd" entry3="0know" entry4="0met" entry5="0oil"/>
    <GATHER_RATE value="450 frames"/>
    <PEASANT_RATE value="10 resources"/>
    <SCHOLAR_RATE entry0="5" entry1="7" entry2="10" entry3="15" entry4="20" entry5="25"/>
    <OIL_RATE value="35 oil"/>
    <FARMS_PER_CITY_BASE value="5"/>
    <FARMS_PER_CITY_LEVEL value="0"/>
    <FISHERMEN_BONUS entry0="0%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="200%"/>
    <GRANARY_BONUS entry0="20%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/>
    <LUMBERMILL_BONUS entry0="20%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/>
    <SMELTER_BONUS entry0="50%" entry1="100%" entry2="150%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/>
    <REFINERY_BONUS value="33% per refinery"/>
    <BASE_TRIBUTE value="51% of gift gets through"/>
    <COMMERCE_TRIBUTE value="7% additional gift gets through"/>
    <CITY_PLUNDER_PER_LEVEL value="100"/>
    <CAPITAL_PLUNDER value="500"/>
    <CAPITAL_PLUNDER_ASSASSIN value="500 (times number of players eliminated so far)"/>
    <MERCHANTS_BONUS entry0="100%" entry1="120%" entry2="150%" entry3="200%" entry4="300%"/>
    <VILLAGE_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth"/>
    <BUILDING_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth (per building in village/city)"/>
    <MARKET_TAXES value="10 bonus wealth (+ amount above for just being a building)"/>
    <TEMPLE_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth (+ amount above for just being a building)"/>
    <TERRITORY_TAXES entry0="0%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="300%"/>
    <VILLAGE_LITERACY value="0 bonus knowledge"/>
    <UNIVERSITY_LITERACY value="10 bonus knowledge"/>
    <LIBRARY_LITERACY value="0 bonus knowledge"/>
    <UNIT_COST_FACTOR value="10 resources"/>
    <BUILD_COST_FACTOR value="10 resources"/>
    <TECH_COST_FACTOR value="10 resources"/>
    <SPELL_COST_FACTOR value="10 resources"/>
    <TECH_SCIENCE_DISCOUNT value="10 percent"/>
    <TECH_SCIENCE_SPEEDUP value="10 percent"/>
    <TECH_AGE_BEHIND_DISCOUNT value="10 percent"/>
    <TECH_AGE_BEHIND_KNOWLEDGE_DISCOUNT value="20 percent"/>
    <TECH_COLOR_BEHIND_DISCOUNT value="10 percent"/>
    <BUILD_SUPPORT_FACTOR value="1 resources"/>
    <DISBAND_CITY_RATE value="400% normal raze time for a building"/>
    <MILITARY_UPGRADE_DISCOUNT value="10% per level ahead"/>
    <MILITARY_UNIT_DISCOUNT value="5% per level ahead"/>
    <UNIT_REFIT_MAX_COST value="40 delta per resource type per unit"/>
    <UNIT_SCHOLAR_RAMP_MAX value="2000% additional ramping cost max"/>
    <UNIT_WORKER_RAMP_MAX value="500% additional ramping cost max"/>
    <UNIT_OTHER_CIVILIAN_RAMP_MAX value="200% additional ramping cost max"/>
    <UNIT_MILITARY_RAMP_MAX value="125% additional ramping cost max"/>
    <RESEARCH_PREMIUM value="1/1 times base cost (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
    <RESEARCH_TICK_PREMIUM value="1/1 times base time (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
    <RAMP_FINAL value="50% additional knowledge cost per final tech already researched"/>
    <PLUNDER value="100% of raze value"/>
    <CARAVAN_PLUNDER value="50"/>
    <GENERAL_PLUNDER value="100"/>
    <CAPITAL_BUILD_TIME value="300% of normal city build time (this is for nomad games only)"/>
    <MIN_POP_LIMIT value="0 pop cap"/>
    <POP_CAP entry0="25" entry1="50" entry2="75" entry3="100" entry4="125" entry5="150" entry6="175" entry7="200 pop cap"/>
    <MILITARY_POP value="0 pop cap"/>
    <VILLAGE_POP value="0 pop cap"/>
    <GRANARY_POP value="0 pop cap"/>
    <MAX_POP_LIMIT value="300 pop cap"/>
    <COMMANDO_MIN_DAMAGE value="200"/>
    <SPECIAL_MIN_DAMAGE value="400"/>
    <ELITE_MIN_DAMAGE value="800"/>
    <COMMERCE_CAP entry0="70" entry1="100" entry2="150" entry3="200" entry4="260" entry5="320" entry6="400" entry7="500 commerce cap"/>
    <LUMBER_COMMERCE value="10 commerce cap"/>
    <GLOBAL_PROSPERITY value="25%"/>
    <PYRAMIDS_COMMERCE value="50 commerce cap"/>
    <PYRAMIDS_CITY_LIMIT value="1 city"/>
    <PYRAMIDS_FOOD value="20% increase"/>
    <COLOSSUS_COMMERCE value="50 commerce cap"/>
    <COLOSSUS_WEALTH value="30% increase"/>
    <COLOSSUS_POP_CAP value="50"/>
    <COLOSSUS_CARAVAN value="0"/>
    <TERRA_COTTA_ATTACK value="0"/>
    <TERRA_COTTA_COST value="0% reduction"/>
    <TERRA_COTTA_FREE value="30 seconds"/>
    <TERRA_COTTA_RANGE value="0"/>
    <TERRA_COTTA_DELAY value='7 fifteenths of a second (but 7 == "half a second")'/>
    <COLOSSEUM_ATTRITION value="50% increase to attrition caused"/>
    <COLOSSEUM_FORT_RANGE value="0"/>
    <COLOSSEUM_FORT_COST value="20% cheaper"/>
    <COLOSSEUM_BARRACKS_COST value="0% cheaper"/>
    <TIKAL_TIMBER value="50% income bonus"/>
    <TIKAL_TIMBER_COMMERCE value="100 commerce cap bonus"/>
    <TIKAL_TEMPLE_BORDERS value="50%"/>
    <TIKAL_TEMPLE_RANGE value="50%"/>
    <TIKAL_TEMPLE_HP value="50%"/>
    <TIKAL_TEMPLE_COST value="0% cost reduction"/>
    <TIKAL_TEMPLE_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enable; 0 = disable)"/>
    <PORCELAIN_SHIPS value="50% creation speed"/>
    <PORCELAIN_RARE value="200% income"/>
    <PORCELAIN_MARKET value="300% bonus wealth"/>
    <ANGKOR_RESEARCH value="0% "/>
    <ANGKOR_METAL value="50% income bonus"/>
    <ANGKOR_METAL_COMMERCE value="100 commerce cap bonus"/>
    <ANGKOR_SHIPS value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <VERSAILLES_KNOWLEDGE_COSTS value="50% decrease"/>
    <VERSAILLES_AFFECTS_UNIVERSITY_UPGRADES value="0 (0 = no; 1 = research discount affects university upgrades)"/>
    <VERSAILLES_AFFECTS_MISC_UPGRADES value="0 (0 = no; 1 = research discount affects non-Library tech other than University upgrades)"/>
    <VERSAILLES_UNITS_MOVE value="25% faster"/>
    <VERSAILLES_BUILDING_SPEED value="0% faster"/>
    <VERSAILLES_SUPPLY_HEAL_RATE value="20 frames"/>
    <VERSAILLES_GENERALS_NO_KNOWLEDGE value="0 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)"/>
    <TAJ_BUILDING_HP value="100% bonus"/>
    <TAJ_WEALTH value="100% income bonus"/>
    <TAJ_WEALTH_COMMERCE value="300 commerce cap bonus"/>
    <TAJ_CARAVAN_LIMIT value="0 Caravans"/>
    <TAJ_FARMS value="0 extra"/>
    <KREMLIN_COMMERCE value="200 commerce cap bonus"/>
    <KREMLIN_ATTRITION value="100% increase to attrition caused"/>
    <KREMLIN_SPY value="30 (0 = disable; non-zero = how many seconds to respawn)"/>
    <KREMLIN_FARMS value="0 extra"/>
    <LIBERTY_UNITS value="0% faster creation"/>
    <LIBERTY_FREE_UPGRADES value="1 (1 = enable; 0 = disable)"/>
    <LIBERTY_ATTRITION value="100% reduction of attrition received"/>
    <LIBERTY_SIEGE_RANGE value="0"/>
    <LIBERTY_BOMBERS value="33% cheaper"/>
    <LIBERTY_AIR_DEFENSE value="33% cheaper"/>
    <LIBERTY_MISSILES value="0% cheaper"/>
    <EIFFEL_OIL value="100% income bonus"/>
    <EIFFEL_OIL_COMMERCE value="200 commerce cap bonus"/>
    <EIFFEL_SIEGE_RANGE value="0"/>
    <SUPER_BUY value="125 is maximum buy price"/>
    <SUPER_SELL value="50 is minimum sell price"/>
    <SUPER_MISSILES value="0% cost increase to enemy missiles"/>
    <SUPER_IMMUNE value="0 (1 = enable; 0 = disable)"/>
    <SPACE_AIR_RANGE value="0% bonus"/>
    <SPACE_AIR_ATTACK value="0% bonus"/>
    <SPACE_AIR_SPEED value="100% bonus"/>
    <SPACE_AIR_COST value="50% cheaper"/>
    <AZTEC_SLAY_BONUS value="15 resources"/>
    <AZTEC_SLAY_CAP value="60 resources"/>
    <AZTEC_BARRACKS_LIGHT value="1"/>
    <AZTEC_MAX_LIGHT value="3"/>
    <AZTEC_PLUNDER value="100%"/>
    <MAYA_GARRISON_ARROWS value="2"/>
    <MAYA_BUILDING_TIMBER value="33% reduction"/>
    <MAYA_BUILDING_HP value="50% bonus"/>
    <MAYA_BUILDING_SPEED value="50% bonus"/>
    <INCA_WEALTH_CAP value="33% bonus"/>
    <INCA_WEALTH_PER_MINER value="10"/>
    <INCA_REFUND value="25%"/>
    <BANTU_CITY_LIMIT value="1"/>
    <BANTU_POP_CAP value="100%"/>
    <BANTU_FINAL_POP_CAP value="25%"/>
    <BANTU_UNIT_UPGRADES value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <BANTU_UNITS_MOVE value="25% faster"/>
    <BANTU_CITY_COST value="75% cheaper"/>
    <NUBIAN_RARE value="50% resource bonus"/>
    <NUBIAN_CARAVAN_LIMIT value="1"/>
    <NUBIAN_FREE_CARAVAN value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <NUBIAN_MERCHANTS value="50% cheaper"/>
    <NUBIAN_HIT_POINTS value="50% more"/>
    <NUBIAN_MARKET_PRICES value="20"/>
    <GREEK_RESEARCH_SPEED value="100% bonus"/>
    <GREEK_RESEARCH_COST value="10% cost reduction"/>
    <GREEK_KNOWLEDGE_EARLY value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GREEK_UNIVERSITY_EARLY value="2 (2 = start with one, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GREEK_START_SCHOLARS value="0"/>
    <GREEK_AGE_KNOWLEDGE value="0% of food cost of all converted"/>
    <GREEK_CLASSICAL value="0% of food cost converted"/>
    <GREEK_LIBRARY_COST value="50% discount"/>
    <GREEK_SCHOLARS_FAST value="0% faster"/>
    <GREEK_DELAY_KNOWLEDGE value="1 (0 = get normal starting knowledge; 1 = only get starting knowledge in Classical Age)"/>
    <ROMAN_FORT_HP value="0% bonus"/>
    <ROMAN_FORT_RANGE value="0"/>
    <ROMAN_FORT_BORDERS value="3"/>
    <ROMAN_FORT_COST value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <ROMAN_FORT_EARLY value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <ROMAN_BARRACKS_LEGION value="1"/>
    <ROMAN_AGE_FOR_1_LEGION value="0"/>
    <ROMAN_AGE_FOR_2_LEGIONS value="3"/>
    <ROMAN_AGE_FOR_3_LEGIONS value="5"/>
    <ROMAN_MAX_LEGION value="3"/>
    <ROMAN_CITY_GATHER value="10"/>
    <ROMAN_LEGION_CHEAP value="10% cost reduction"/>
    <ROMAN_LEGION_FAST value="10% faster creation speed"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_WONDERS value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_GRANARY_EARLY value="2 (2 = enabled and start with one, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_GRANARY_UPGRADES value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_SCHOLARS_FOOD value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_WONDERS_EARLY value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_FOOD_COMMERCE value="10%"/>
    <EGYPTIAN_FARM_WEALTH value="2"/>
    <TURK_SIEGE_RANGE value="3"/>
    <TURK_SIEGE_LOS value="3"/>
    <TURK_ASSIMILATE value="200% faster"/>
    <TURK_CITIZEN value="33% cheaper"/>
    <TURK_FREE_SIEGE value="2"/>
    <TURK_PACK value="100% of normal time"/>
    <TURK_MILITARY_CHEAP value="33% reduction"/>
    <SPANISH_LOS value="3"/>
    <SPANISH_EXTRA_SCOUT value="1"/>
    <SPANISH_FREE_TRIREME value="1"/>
    <SPANISH_RUINS_BASE value="30"/>
    <SPANISH_RUINS value="35"/>
    <SPANISH_COMMANDOS value="1"/>
    <FRENCH_SUPPLY_HEAL_RATE value="20 frames"/>
    <FRENCH_SPECIAL_CRAFT value="0% bonus"/>
    <FRENCH_SPECIAL_COST value="0% reduction"/>
    <FRENCH_SPECIAL_SPEED value="0% faster creation"/>
    <FRENCH_SIEGE_COST value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <FRENCH_SIEGE_SPEED value="50% faster"/>
    <FRENCH_SIEGE_MOVE value="25% faster"/>
    <FRENCH_FREE_GENERAL value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <FRENCH_FREE_SUPPLY value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <FRENCH_ENTRENCH value="100% of usual time."/>
    <FRENCH_WOODIES value="2"/>
    <FRENCH_TIMBER_COMMERCE value="10% bonus"/>
    <BRITISH_COMMERCE value="25% bonus"/>
    <BRITISH_SHIP_SPEED value="33% faster creation"/>
    <BRITISH_ARCHER_SPEED value="0% faster creation"/>
    <BRITISH_ARCHER_UPGRADES value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <BRITISH_AA_COST value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <BRITISH_AA_SPEED value="33% faster creation"/>
    <BRITISH_FREE_SHIP value="0"/>
    <BRITISH_TAXATION value="100% increase"/>
    <BRITISH_TOWER_RANGE value="2 range increase"/>
    <GERMAN_SUBMARINE_COST value="25% cost reduction"/>
    <GERMAN_SUBMARINE_SPEED value="33% faster creation"/>
    <GERMAN_AIR_SPEED value="33% faster creation"/>
    <GERMAN_FREE_FIGHTER value="2 "/>
    <GERMAN_FREE_BOMBER value="0"/>
    <GERMAN_METAL_EARLY value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GERMAN_METAL_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GERMAN_MINE_COST value="0% cheaper"/>
    <GERMAN_MINERS value="0"/>
    <GERMAN_HEAVY_INFANTRY value="0 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GERMAN_INDUSTRY_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled) (this is the completely free version)"/>
    <GERMAN_INDUSTRY_DISCOUNT value="50% discount"/>
    <GERMAN_COMPLETION_BONUS value="50% extra resources for building completion bonuses"/>
    <GERMAN_BUILDINGS_EARLY value="1 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GERMAN_INDUSTRY_EARLY value="1 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled)"/>
    <GERMAN_CITY_GATHER value="5"/>
    <RUSSIAN_ATTRITION value="100% bonus"/>
    <RUSSIAN_OIL value="20% bonus"/>
    <RUSSIAN_BORDERS value="0"/>
    <RUSSIAN_BORDERS_PER_AGE value="1"/>
    <RUSSIAN_COMMUNISM value="0"/>
    <RUSSIAN_SPY_COST value="50% cheaper"/>
    <RUSSIAN_COSSACK_DAMAGE value="25% bonus"/>
    <CHINESE_KNOWLEDGE_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <CHINESE_HERBAL_LORE value="1"/>
    <CHINESE_CITIZEN_CREATION value="100% faster"/>
    <CHINESE_LARGE_CITY value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <CHINESE_LARGE_CITIES value="1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/>
    <JAPANESE_DAMAGE value="-5% bonus vs. buildings (negative is per age)"/>
    <JAPANESE_BARRACKS_COST value="-7% cost reduction (negative is per age)"/>
    <JAPANESE_BARRACKS_SPEED value="-10% faster creation (negative is per age)"/>
    <JAPANESE_SHIP_COST value="10% discount"/>
    <JAPANESE_AIRCRAFT_CARRIERS_SPEED value="33% faster"/>
    <JAPANESE_FISHING_BOATS value="25% increase"/>
    <JAPANESE_CARRIER_SPEED value="33% faster creation"/>
    <JAPANESE_FARMS_CHEAPER value="50% cheaper"/>
    <KOREAN_START_CITIZEN value="3"/>
    <KOREAN_FREE_CITIZEN value="5"/>
    <KOREAN_CITIZENS entry0="1" entry1="3" entry2="5" entry3="5" entry4="5" entry5="5" entry6="5" entry7="5" entry8="5"/>
    <KOREAN_TEMPLE_UPGRADES value="2 (1 = enable, 0 = disable, 2 = enable and start with one)"/>
    <KOREAN_TEMPLE_TAX_UPGRADES value="1 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)"/>
    <KOREAN_BUILD_UNDER_FIRE value="1"/>
    <KOREAN_REPAIR value="50% less total time"/>
    <KOREAN_TOWER_COST value="33% cheaper"/>
    <MONGOL_STABLE_COST value="10% cost reduction"/>
    <MONGOL_STABLE_SPEED value="20% faster creation"/>
    <MONGOL_ATTRITION value="50% reduction"/>
    <MONGOL_FREE_CAVALRY value="3"/>
    <MONGOL_START_CAVALRY value="1"/>
    <MONGOL_FREE_FORAGE value="1"/>
    <MONGOL_NOMADIC_FOOD value="1"/>
    <RELICS_RESEARCH_SPEED value="33%"/>
    <WINE_UNIT_UPGRADES value="20%"/>
    <DYE_CIVIC_COMMERCE value="25%"/>
    <FURS_MILITARY value="25%"/>
    <SILK_COMMERCE value="25%"/>
    <SILK_CARAVAN value="0"/>
    <SPICE_CARAVAN_INCOME value="20%"/>
    <SALT_BARRACKS_COST value="15%"/>
    <HORSES_STABLE_COST value="15%"/>
    <RUBBER_AUTOPLANT_COST value="15%"/>
    <SULPHUR_SIEGE_COST value="20%"/>
    <AMBER_MARKET value="10"/>
    <SILVER_AGE_COST value="15%"/>
    <TOBACCO_BUILDING_SPEED value="10%"/>
    <MARBLE_WONDER_COST value="10%"/>
    <FURS_LOS value="0"/>
    <COTTON_CREATION_SPEED value="25%"/>
    <BISON_GRANARY_COST value="33%"/>
    <COPPER_FACTORY_HP value="20%"/>
    <PEACOCKS_POP value="10%"/>
    <SUGAR_FOOD_COST value="10%"/>
    <DIAMONDS_COMMERCE value="10"/>
    <GEMS_TERRITORY_BONUS value="2"/>
    <ALUMINUM_AIR_COST value="15%"/>
    <ALUMINUM_AIR_SPEED value="25%"/>
    <WHALES_SHIPS_MOVE value="20%"/>
    <WOOL_CITIZENS_COST value="15%"/>
    <WOOL_CITIZENS_SPEED value="33%"/>
    <COAL_TIMBER_COST value="25%"/>
    <URANIUM_NUKE_COST value="5%"/>
    <URANIUM_NUKE_SPEED value="10%"/>
    <TITANIUM_ATTRITION value="50%"/>
    <MTN_TINY_SIZE value="100 tiles"/>
    <MTN_SMALL_SIZE value="210 tiles"/>
    <MTN_MEDIUM_SIZE value="275 tiles"/>
    <MTN_LARGE_SIZE value="400 tiles"/>
    <MTN_HUGE_SIZE value="1000 tiles"/>
    <MTN_TINY_GATHER value="3 citizens"/>
    <MTN_SMALL_GATHER value="5 citizens"/>
    <MTN_MEDIUM_GATHER value="6 citizens"/>
    <MTN_LARGE_GATHER value="8 citizens"/>
    <MTN_HUGE_GATHER value="10 citizens"/>
    <MIN_CONTINENT_SPACING value="3 wcoords including coasts"/>
    <CTW_STARTING_TRIBUTE value="25"/>
    <CTW_NO_ATTACK_BONUS value="25"/>
    <CTW_NO_ATTACK_BONUS_CAP value="100"/>
    <CTW_TRIB_NO_ATTACK value="3"/>
    <CTW_CONTINENT_BONUS value="10"/>
    <CTW_ATTRITION value="50% bonus"/>
    <CTW_STARTING_TRIBUTE value="25"/>
    <CTW_NO_ATTACK_BONUS value="25"/>
    <CTW_TRIB_NO_ATTACK value="3"/>
    <CTW_CONTINENT_BONUS value="10"/>
    <CTW_ATTRITION value="50% bonus"/>
    <CTW_BASE_WAR_COST value="20 tribute"/>
    <CTW_WAR_COST_STANCE_TIME_X value="1 tribute"/>
    <CTW_BASE_PEACE_COST value="20 tribute"/>
    <CTW_PEACE_COST_ATT_X value="1 tribute"/>
    <CTW_BASE_BUILD_COST value="20 tribute"/>
    <CTW_BUILD_COST_TIME_HELD_X value="10 x"/>
    <CTW_BASE_CARD_COST value="30 tribute"/>
    <CTW_CARD_COST_NUM_PURCHASED_X value="40 x"/>
    <CTW_CARD_COST_RAMP_CAP value="110"/>
    <CTW_BASE_TERRITORY_COST value="75 tribute"/>
    <CTW_TERRITORY_COST_ATT_X value="2"/>
    <CTW_TERRITORY_COST_STR_X value="25"/>
    <CTW_TERRITORY_MAX_ATT value="17"/>
    <CTW_MAX_ATTITUDE value="20"/>
    <CTW_START_ATTITUDE value="10"/>
    <CTW_NUM_OPP_FOR_LARGER_MAP value="2"/>
    <CTW_MIN_KEEP_ALLIANCE value="4"/>
    <CTW_NOMAD_STARTING_RES_X value="3"/>
    <CTW_MAX_TREACHERY_INFRA value="3"/>
    <CTW_AGE_COST value="50"/>
    <CTW_EUREKA_TECHS value="2"/>
    <CTW_EUREKA_ALL_TECHS value="1"/>
    <CTW_MAX_BRIBE_ATT value="15"/>
    <CTW_CIT_PER_EXTRA_CITY value="10"/>
    <CTW_AI_BARB_CHANCE value="95"/>
    <CTW_AI_STRONGER_CHANCE value="80"/>
    <CTW_ADDITIONAL_ALLY_INC value="100"/>
    <CTW_BREAK_BRIBE_X value="3"/>
    <CTW_ALLY_WAR_COST_X value="2"/>
    <CTW_AI_ALL_CARDS_NUM value="4"/>
    <CTW_AI_ALL_CARDS_PROB value="25"/>
    <CTW_AI_TAC_CARD_PROB value="25"/>
    <CTW_AI_TAC_CARD_ALLY_PROB value="50"/>
    <CTW_BRIBE_TRIB_MIN value="10"/>
    <CTW_BRIBE_TOUGH_ACC_PROB value="50"/>
    <CTW_BRIBE_ACC_PROB value="100"/>
    <CTW_DEMAND_TRIB_TOUGH_PROB value="50"/>
    <CTW_DEMAND_TRIB_PROB value="35"/>
    <CTW_OVERRUN_PEACE_PROB value="50"/>
    <CTW_OVERRUN_EASY_PROB value="10"/>
    <CTW_OVERRUN_TOUGH_PROB value="100"/>
    <CTW_DEF_VICTORY_BONUS value="50"/>
    <CTW_WONDER_MIN_CIVICS value="4"/>
    <CTW_CONQUEST_TIME_LIMIT value="90"/>
    <CTW_GREAT_THINKER_TIME value="25"/>
    <CTW_MARKET_BONUS_BUY value="25"/>
    <CTW_MARKET_BONUS_SELL value="20"/>
    <CTW_HEAL_BONUS value="100"/>
    <CTW_PROD_RATE_BONUS value="5"/>
    <CTW_MAX_WONDER_CARDS value="1"/>
    <FORT_GARRISON_UPGRADE value="5"/>
    <UNIT_HEAL_RATE entry0="20 frames" entry1="15 frames" entry2="10 frames" entry3="5 frames"/>
    <SUPPLY_HEAL_RATE value="0 frames (0 means don't heal at all)"/>
    <CIVILIAN_HEAL_RATE value="45 frames (0 means don't heal at all)"/>
    <AIRCRAFT_HEAL_RATE entry0="20 frames" entry1="16 frames" entry2="12 frames" entry3="8 frames"/>
    <CITY_HEAL_RATE value="4 frames"/>
    <BOMBING_MANA_COST value="0 mana"/>
    <SAM_SITE_RELOAD_CHANCE value="10 percent"/>
    <SAM_SITE_RELOAD_TIME value="50"/>
    <ARTILLERY_UNDER_ATTACK_FIRES_SLOWLY value="1 (0 = fires normal speed, 1 = fires as if out of supply)"/>
    <GOODY_BOX value="25 resources"/>
    <GOODY_BOX_AGE value="25 resources / age"/>
    <FOOD_BONUS_FOR_FARM value="20"/>
    <OIL_BONUS_FOR_WELL value="50"/>
    <METAL_BONUS_PER_MINE_SLOT value="5"/>
    <RIVER_RESOURCE_VALUE value="2 times basic rate (does this do anything anymore?)"/>
    <TOWN_HP_BONUS value="2"/>
    <SENATE_HP_BONUS value="35%"/>
    <SENATE_ARMOR_BONUS value="1 armor per city level"/>
    <FORCED_MARCH_SPEED value="42m"/>
    <GENERAL_SPEED_BONUS value="3m"/>
    <GENERAL_RADIUS value="6 tiles"/>
    <GENERAL_BUILDING_RANGE value="1 tile"/>
    <GENERAL_RALLY_ARMOR value="2 armor"/>
    <SUPPLY_RADIUS value="14 tiles"/>
    <SUPPLY_RADIUS_UPGRADE value="2 tiles"/>
    <SUPPLY_HP_UPGRADE entry0="0" entry1="20" entry2="40" entry3="60"/>
    <TRUCK_RADIUS value="14 tiles"/>
    <SIEGE_OUT_OF_SUPPLY_RELOAD value="3/2 normal delay"/>
    <ARTILLERY_OUT_OF_SUPPLY_RELOAD value="2/1 normal delay"/>
    <DECOY_TIME value="2500 frames"/>
    <CARAVAN_ATTACK_BONUS value="2 attack"/>
    <MARKET_BASEMENT value="10"/>
    <MARKET_EQUILIBRIUM value="65"/>
    <MARKET_MIN_VARIANCE value="2"/>
    <MARKET_MIN_TREND value="8 cycles"/>
    <MARKET_TREND_RANGE value="16 cycles"/>
    <MARKET_CYCLE_RATE value="1 frames"/>
    <MARKET_SUPPLY_DEMAND value="3 +/- to sell price (double to buy price)"/>
    <PARADROP_RANGE value="64 tiles"/>
    <TIMER_REFRESH_RATIO value="5 seconds with timer off removes 1 second from clock"/>
    <RETAKE_CAPITAL value="3600 frames"/>
    <WONDER_TIMER value="4500 frames"/>
    <WONDER_AGE value="0 frames"/>
    <POPWIN_TIMER value="3600 frames"/>
    <ARMAGEDDON value="999 nukes"/>
    <ARMAGEDDON_PER_NATION value="999 nukes"/>
    <ARMAGEDDON_PER_TEAM value="999 nukes"/>
    <NUKE_EMBARGO_BASE value="0 frames"/>
    <NUKE_EMBARGO_NATION value="0 frames"/>
    <NUKE_EMBARGO_WORLD value="0 frames"/>
    <REASSIMILATION value="300% normal rate (of my own cities I've recaptured)"/>
    <ASSIMILATION_TIMER value="2000 frames"/>
    <ATTRITION value='48 frames -> this is the baseline level for "regular" attrition'/>
    <PEACE_ATTRITION value="8 frames -> this is the special border-violation attrition when you're at peace"/>
    <ASSASSIN_ATTRITION value="8 frames -> this is the special assassin attrition"/>
        Caravans to allied &amp; peaceful nations allowed.
      <PREQ preq0="Trade"/>
        Can buy and sell resources at the Market.
      <PREQ preq0="Coinage"/>
        Units can be transported by sea.
      <PREQ preq0="Written Word"/>
        Can colonize new continents.
      <PREQ preq0="Coinage"/>
        Ally's Line-of-Sight visible.
      <PREQ preq0="Mathematics"/>
        Can see enemy borders.
      <PREQ preq0="None"/>
        Entire map becomes explored.
      <PREQ preq0="Electronics"/>
        All units and buildings in your territory revealed.
      <PREQ preq0="Computerization"/>
        Entire map revealed--including all units and buildings.
      <PREQ preq0="disable"/>
        Enemy missiles will not explode in your territory. 
      <PREQ preq0="Missile Shield"/>
        Armageddon clock turned back by 2.
      <PREQ preq0="Missile Shield"/>
        Raises your #ICON21 Commerce Cap and #ICON20 Population Cap to the maximum allowed, and increases resource production by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Global Prosperity"/>
        Units are produced instantly.
      <PREQ preq0="Artificial Intelligence"/>
        All timer victories, city assimilations, and enemy capital eliminations instantaneous.
      <PREQ preq0="World Government"/>
        Caravans can shoot back at enemies.
      <PREQ preq0="disable"/>
        Granaries increase #ICON1 food output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Agriculture"/>
        Granaries increase #ICON1 food output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Crop Rotation"/>
        Granaries increase #ICON1 food output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Food Industry"/>
        Granaries increase #ICON1 food output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="disable"/>
        Fishermen collect +$NUMBER0% #ICON1 Food.
      <PREQ preq0="Agriculture"/>
        Fishermen collect +$NUMBER0% #ICON1 Food.
      <PREQ preq0="Crop Rotation"/>
        Fishermen collect +$NUMBER0% #ICON1 Food.
      <PREQ preq0="Food Industry"/>
        Lumber Mills increase #ICON2 timber output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Carpentry"/>
        Lumber Mills increase #ICON2 timber output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Logging Industry"/>
        Lumber Mills increase #ICON2 timber output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Papermill"/>
        Smelters increase #ICON5 metal output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Metal Alloys"/>
        Smelters increase #ICON5 metal output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Cold Casting"/>
        Smelters increase #ICON5 metal output by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Steel"/>
        Temples increase city effect on National Borders by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Religion"/>
        Temples increase city effect on National Borders by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Monotheism"/>
        Temples increase city effect on National Borders by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Existentialism"/>
        Temples increase city hit points by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Religion"/>
        Temples increase city hit points by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Monotheism"/>
        Temples increase city hit points by $NUMBER0%.
      <PREQ preq0="Existentialism"/>
        Temples increase city combat range by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Religion"/>
        Temples increase city combat range by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Monotheism"/>
        Temples increase city combat range by +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Existentialism"/>
        Increases effect of Forts on National Borders to +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Fortification"/>
        Increases effect of Forts on National Borders to +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Bombardment"/>
        Increases effect of Forts on National Borders to +$NUMBER0.
      <PREQ preq0="Strategic Reserves"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Range for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Fortification"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Range for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Bombardment"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Range for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Strategic Reserves"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Garrison Capacity for Forts and Towers.
      <PREQ preq0="Fortification"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Garrison Capacity for Forts and Towers.
      <PREQ preq0="Bombardment"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Garrison Capacity for Forts and Towers.
      <PREQ preq0="Strategic Reserves"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Line-of-Sight for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Fortification"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Line-of-Sight for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Bombardment"/>
        +$NUMBER0 Line-of-Sight for Forts.
      <PREQ preq0="Strategic Reserves"/>
        Attrition damage to enemies in your territory (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Allegiance"/>
        Increased attrition damage to enemies in your territory (Level 2).
      <PREQ preq0="Oath of Fealty"/>
        Increased attrition damage to enemies in your territory (Level 3).
      <PREQ preq0="Patriotism"/>
        Increased attrition damage to enemies in your territory (Level 4).
      <PREQ preq0="Nationalism"/>
        Scholars produce +$NUMBER0 #ICON4 knowledge each.
      <PREQ preq0="Literacy"/>
        Scholars produce +$NUMBER0 #ICON4 knowledge each.
      <PREQ preq0="Printing Press"/>
        Scholars produce +$NUMBER0 #ICON4 knowledge each.
      <PREQ preq0="Scientific Method"/>
        Scholars produce +$NUMBER0 #ICON4 knowledge each.
      <PREQ preq0="Institutional Research"/>
        Scholars produce +$NUMBER0 #ICON4 knowledge each.
      <PREQ preq0="Supercomputers"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops created faster (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Herbal Lore"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops created faster (Level 2).
      <PREQ preq0="Medicine"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops created faster (Level 3).
      <PREQ preq0="Pharmaceuticals"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops Line-of-Sight increased (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Herbal Lore"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops Line-of-Sight increased (Level 2).
      <PREQ preq0="Medicine"/>
        Foot and Mounted troops Line-of-Sight increased (Level 3).
      <PREQ preq0="Pharmaceuticals"/>
Ships created faster (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Forage"/>
Ships created faster (Level 2).
      <PREQ preq0="Supply"/>
Ships created faster (Level 3).
      <PREQ preq0="Logistics"/>
Units heal faster while garrisoned in buildings (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Herbal Lore"/>
Units heal faster while garrisoned in buildings (Level 2).
      <PREQ preq0="Medicine"/>
Units heal faster while garrisoned in buildings (Level 3).
      <PREQ preq0="Pharmaceuticals"/>
        Buildings constructed faster (Level 1).
      <PREQ preq0="Construction"/>

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