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insults =["dick","prick","pussy","boob","boobs","cunt","fuck","fucker","mothafucker","fuck off", "whore", "slut", "bitch", "tits", "titties"]
rep_insults = ["How old are you ??!!", "Soooo Funny ...", "Fuck You!", "You are a dick head.", "What about playing now ?!",
                   "Sooo much funnn !!!", "You are as funny as Justin Bieber"]
import random
continuer = 1
start = 1
while (continuer):
    print "_______________________________________________________________________"
    print ""
    print "              The Chronicles of Shredrink : THE GREAT PICK"
    while (start):
        print "_______________________________________________________________________"
        print "                                                                   MENU"
        print ""
        print "1. PLAY THE MOTHERF*CKING GAME"
        print "2. OPTIONS"
        print "3. BUY 3-DAY FORFAIT FOR HELLFEST"
        print "4. LOAD GAME"
        print ""
        act = raw_input(" --> ")

        if (act == "5") or (act.lower() == "quit"):
            print ""
            print "Mother F*cker, why the f*ck do you quit on the first panel ??!!"
            print ""
            print "Are you f*cking sure ? (YES/NO)"
            act = raw_input(" --> ")
            if act.lower() == "yes":
                start = 0
                continuer = 0
            else :
                print ""
                print "You are a f*cking JOKE!"
        elif (act == "4") or (act.lower() == "load"):
            print ""
            print "LOL, coming soon ..."
        elif (act == "3") or (act.lower() == "hellfest"):
            print ""
            print "Every sold forfait is a burned, disemboweled, quartered Bieber fan"

        elif (act == "2") or (act.lower() == "options"):
            print ""
            print "LOL, text-game and you want options ^^ Fuck Off !!!"
        elif (act == "1") or (act.lower() == "play"):
            name_select = 0
            print ""
            print "* Total silence, nothing at sight, at hearing *"
            print "* Lost in darkness, a halo appears before you *"
            print "* The form gets clearer, the shape of a man *"
            print ""
            print " . . . = Press Enter to Follow"
            print ""
            print "Dio : Hey! You're new here, no ? What do we call you, brave adventurer ?"
            while (name_select != 1) :
                race_select = 0
                gender_select = 0
                print ""
                name = raw_input ("Name --> ")

                if len(name) < 2 :
                    print "Dio : ", random.choice(["Come On, this can't be a fucking name -_-'", "This is not a name !!", "A letter, come on, make up a name."])

                elif name.lower() == "boost":
                    name = "MoThAfUcKa"
                    name_select = 1
                    race = "Human"
                    race_select = 1
                    gender ="Male"
                    gender_select = 1
                    pre_1 = "Pouet"
                    pre_2 = "Truc"
                    intel = 15
                    dex = 15
                    spi = 15
                    cou = 15

                elif name.lower() == "hum":
                    name = "Brice_Human"
                    name_select = 1
                    race = "Human"
                    race_select = 1
                    gender ="Male"
                    gender_select = 1
                    pre_1 = "Pouet"
                    pre_2 = "Truc"
                    intel = 5
                    dex = 10
                    spi = 2
                    cou = 7

                elif name.lower() == "elf":
                    name = "Brice_Elf"
                    name_select = 1
                    race = "Elf"
                    race_select = 1
                    gender ="Male"
                    gender_select = 1
                    pre_1 = "Pouet"
                    pre_2 = "Truc"
                    intel = 10
                    dex = 7
                    spi = 5
                    cou = 2

                elif name.lower() == "dwa":
                    name = "Brice"
                    name_select = 1
                    race = "Dwarf"
                    race_select = 1
                    gender ="Male"
                    gender_select = 1
                    pre_1 = "Pouet"
                    pre_2 = "Truc"
                    intel = 2
                    dex = 7
                    spi = 5
                    cou = 10

                else :
                    name_select = 1
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : Welcome To Methal'ol,",name.capitalize(),"."
                    print "May you find peace among our fields of sound!"
                    print ""
                    raw_input ("*Tune of the Game*")
                    print ""
                    print "e----------------------8-5-----------------"
                    print "B--------------------------6-5~~~~~~~1/3~~~"
                    print "G--------7---5~~~~~~~~~--------------------"
                    print "D--0-------7-----------0---------------0---"
                    print "A-/5---5-----0-----------------------------"
                    print "E------------------------------------------"
                    print "-> 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + "
                    print ""
                    print "~~ Grab a guitar to play the tune of the game :D"
                    print ""

            # incipit
            print "Dio : * puts his luth aside * My name is Dio the Elder, "
            print "      I'll be the Narrator of your EPIC JOURNEY."
            print "      But seriously, tell me ! What the fuck are you ?"
            print ""

            print "      Human, Elf, Dwarf or Faun ???!!!"
            print "      Anything else should be exterminated !"

            while (race_select != 1) :

                race = raw_input ("Race --> ")

                if race.lower() == "human":
                    pre_1 = """Humans are strong and courageous.
               They know how to fight,
               how to honor the elders in the battlefield."""
                    intel = 5
                    dex = 10
                    spi = 2
                    cou = 7
                    race_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                elif race.lower() == "elf":
                    pre_1 = """Intelligent and cunning, Elves are wise adventurers,
               they know when and how to do the right things."""
                    intel = 10
                    dex = 7
                    spi = 5
                    cou = 2
                    race_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                elif race.lower() == "dwarf":
                    pre_1 = """Dwarves were made to fight.
               Good stamina, strongly built,
               natural angriness and joyfulness,
               when back at the tavern."""
                    intel = 2
                    dex = 7
                    spi = 5
                    cou = 10
                    race_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                elif race.lower() == "faun":
                    pre_1 = """Always in communion with Nature,
               you always manage to tam it for a time,
               to heal you friends or make suffer your ennemies."""
                    intel = 7
                    dex = 2
                    spi = 10
                    cou = 5
                    race_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                    print "Dio :", random.choice(["Come on, choose one of THESE races : Human, Elf, Dwarf or Sorcerer.",
                           "THIS is not a race ! Make an effort, please ...", "Go Fuck Youself !", "I'm not patient ...", "NOPE !!!",
                            "Learn to type, Man!"])

            print ""
            print "Dio : A specimen of",race.capitalize(),",hmmm interesting."
            print "      But a Male",race.capitalize(),"or a Female",race.capitalize(),"?"
            print "      Sorry, but I really can't tell. Look at those long hair, urg disgusting ..."

            while (gender_select != 1) :
                gender = raw_input ("Gender --> ")

                if gender.lower() == "male":
                    pre_2 = """as a true Male from Methal'ol, your strength and
      your Dexterity are your main assets, your Courage
      will make you lead any battle in the world,"""
                    dex = dex + 3
                    cou = cou + 3
                    intel = intel + 1
                    spi = spi + 1
                    gender_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                elif gender.lower() == "female":
                    pre_2 = """"girls from Methal'ol are known for their
      Intelligence and great Spirituality. They know what they want and
      can deploy treasures of cunning to reach it,"""
                    intel = intel + 2
                    spi = spi + 2
                    dex = dex + 1
                    cou = cou + 1
                    gender_select = 1
                    print "_______________________________________________________________________"

                    print "Dio :", random.choice(["what ??!!","Come on, what the fuck is that ?","THIS is not a gender, or a new one ...",
                           "You an hybrid, or ...","Too bad this gender DON'T EXIST !!!" ])



            print ""
            print "Dio : OK, You sure ??!! So, welcome,", name.capitalize(),"the",gender.capitalize(),race.capitalize(),"."
            print "      We needed you, actually! People from all over Methal'ol come here."
            print "      A really fucked up situation but I'll have you informed in time."
            print "      Let me take a look at my book : ....",race.capitalize(),"....",gender.capitalize(),"...."
            print "      There you go !"
            print ""
            print "             -",pre_1
            print "                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
            print "                                         _Arkin the Scholar,"
            print "                                          Great Lecturer of Gojir Academy."
            print ""
            raw_input(" . . .")
            print ""
            print "Dio : M'well, okayyyy."
            print "      Anyway,",pre_2
            print "      so this quest will be a piece of cake for you ;)"
            print ""

            if intel > 8:
                print "So your intelligence is",intel,", which is a great start, don't worry!"
                print "So your intelligence is",intel,"! Come on, you are a fucking idiot O_O Hope you have other quality, you dumb."

            if dex > 8:
                print "Dexterity,",dex,"out of 20! Yeah, could be really helpful"
                print "when picking a lock or making potions ."
                print "Dexterity,",dex,"! Ok, well, don't touch anything and it will work out nicely."

            if spi > 8:
                print "Relation with Nature,",spi,"out of 20! Damn, you're a fuckin' hippie, Mannnn."
                print "Well, with",spi,"points in Spirituality, let's say you won't be sniffing"
                print "flowers or herbs all day, sooo see it as a plus."

            if cou > 8:
                print "Finally,",cou,"out of 20 in Courage! You have bollocks, nice point."
                print cou,"of courage makes you a fuckin' coward! Emmm sorry ...."

            print ""
            print "_______________________________________________________________________STATS"
            print ""
            print "         INT -->",intel,"/ 20"
            print "         DEX -->",dex,"/ 20"
            print "         SPI -->",spi,"/ 20"
            print "         COU -->",cou,"/ 20"
            print "_______________________________________________________________________"
            print ""
            print "Dio : Many things during your quest will allow you to improve"
            print "      those capacities, don't worry."
            print "      Well, I think my job is done here! I'll be at the bar called"
            print "      Night Witch, in the Capital if you need me !"
            print ""
            print "      Oh no, Before you go", raw_input(". . .")
            print "      Just a few hints to get started", raw_input(". . .")
            print "_______________________________________________________________________"
            print ""
            print "Type 'Actions' to know what you can do in the game."
            print "                 --> Motion, Combat, Inventory, ..."
            print ""
            print "Type 'Stuff' to know what's in your pockets."
            print "                 --> Inventory, Weapons, Armor, Pouch ..."
            print ""
            print "Type 'Stats' to see how stupid, clumsy, hippie or coward you are."
            print "                 --> Statistics, Attack, Defense, Health ..."
            print ""
            print "Type 'Help' to see what's above pop out!"
            print ""
            print "Type O Negative is great gothic Metal !!!"
            print ""
            print "Really lost during the game ? No idea where to go, not a"
            print "f*cking clue of what to do next ? Type 'I'm Lost!',"
            print "but use it wisely, ok ?"
            print "You don't want to be seen as a cheater, don't ya ?"
            print ""
            print "~Like most of important things~"
            print "_______________________________________________________________________"
            print ""
            print "Dio : Farewell Stranger and see you soon !!!"
            print ""
            print ""

            raw_input ("---- Press Enter To Start This Fuckin' Epic Journey !!! ----")
            print ""

                                                # THE FIRST EPIC DAY OF YOUR EPIC JOURNEY
            print "_______________________________________________________________________I.1"
            print ""
            print "_______________________________________________________________________"
            print ""
            print "* In a puff of smoke, Dio vanishes from your sight."
            print "  Noises of shouting people, baby screams, horses neigh."
            print "  A strong feeling of weight pushes on your shoulders."
            print "  Colors are mixed but tend to get more and more detailed."
            print "  A green landscape, you're on a hilltop, a breeze blows your hair."
            print "  Smoke from a village a few miles below reaches your nostrils."
            print "  'Palish' indicates the city sign as you pass through the gates."
            print "  This fumes-spitting 'Tavern of The Pale Dragon' seems a nice place"
            print "  to start this journey. 'Let's have a couple of beers to shape up !'"
            print "  You enter this cosy building and sit at the first table. *"
            print ""
                                                # THE VARIABLES

            rep = ["What ??!!","Be serious about it, please ...","Me Not Understand You","Come on, make an effort!",
                   "Sorry, but you can't do that","Sorry, but you can't do that from here ...",
                   "Sorry, but you can't do that from here ...","Sorry, but you can't do that","...","... Come on!"]
            story = 1.1
            place = 1.1
            wins = 0
            # 1 = table at the tavern of the dragon
            # 2 = toilets
            # 3 = bar counter
            # 4 = In front of the tavern
            # 5 = the tree
            # 6 = Hackney cab

            init_1_1 = 0 #Tavern
            init_1_2 = 0 #Toilets
            init_1_3 = 0 #Bar
            init_1_4 = 0 #Front of the tavern
            init_1_5 = 0 #Tree
            init_1_6 = 0 #Cab
            init_barman = 0
            init_jack = 0
            init_cabman = 0
            init_jacket = 0 # jacket udner the table
            init_packet = 0 #packet with coins in the tree
            init_wheel = 0 # wheel of the cab
            init_stick = 0 # stick from fence to repair wheel
            init_mirror = 0 # inv of the human
            init_toothbrush = 0 # inv of the human
            init_feather = 0 # inv of the Elf
            init_ring = 0 # inv of the Elf
            init_porkchop = 0 # inv of the dwarf
            init_paper = 0 # inv of the dwarf
            init_scroll = 0 # inv of the faun
            init_fial = 0 # inv of the Faun
            init_tree = 0

            money = 10
            health = 20

            if race.lower() == "human":
                inv = ["Mirror", "Tooth Brush"]
                weap = "Knife (3)"
                sc_weap = "NONE"
                armor =  "NONE"
                shield = "Hard Skin (1)"
                weap_eff = 3
                sc_weap_eff = 0
                armor_eff = 0
                shield_eff = 1

            elif race.lower() == "elf":
                inv = ["Feather", "Ring"]
                weap = "Dagger (2)"
                sc_weap = "NONE"
                armor = "Elvish Cloth (2)"
                shield = "NONE"
                weap_eff = 2
                sc_weap_eff = 0
                armor_eff = 2
                shield_eff = 0

            elif race.lower() == "dwarf":
                inv = ["Pork Chop", "Paper"]
                weap = "Mallet (3)"
                sc_weap = "NONE"
                armor = "Hard Skin (1)"
                shield = "NONE"
                weap_eff = 3
                sc_weap_eff = 0
                armor_eff = 1
                shield_eff = 0

            else :
                inv = ["Spell Scroll", "Fial"]
                weap = "Staff (4)"
                sc_weap = "NONE"
                armor =  "NONE"
                shield = "NONE"
                weap_eff = 4
                sc_weap_eff = 0
                armor_eff = 0
                shield_eff = 0

                                   # THE IF's

            while (story == 1.1):

                pl_label = ""
                if place == 1.1:
                    pl_label = "____Tavern's Main Room"

                elif place == 1.2:
                    pl_label = "_______________Toilets"

                elif place == 1.3:
                    pl_label = "___________________Bar"

                elif place == 1.4:
                    pl_label = "In Front of the Tavern"
                elif place == 1.5:
                    pl_label = "_________Near the Tree"

                elif place == 1.6:
                    pl_label = "__________Near the Cab"
                print "________________________________________________"+pl_label
                print ""
                act = raw_input("Action --> ")
                print "______________________________________________________________________"

                    # MENU, OPTIONS

                if act.lower() == "stuff":
                    print ""
                    print "                             ~~ INVENTORY ~~"
                    print ""
                    print ">>> " + ", ".join(inv) + " <<<"
                    print ""
                    print "Primary Weapon :", weap
                    print "Secondary Weapon:", sc_weap
                    print ""
                    print "Armor :", armor
                    print "Shield :", shield
                    print ""
                    print "Your pouch contains", money,"golden coins."

                elif act.lower() == "i'm lost!":
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : LOL fuck off, this is a hardcore game :D"
                    print "      If you fell for it, I may infer you're a looser anyway."
                    print "      Go hang youself!"

                elif act.lower() == "actions":
                    print ""
                    print "                             ~~ ACTIONS ~~"
                    print ""
                    print "Motion ------------ 'GO TO xxxx' : You go to people and objects"
                    print "                    'ENTER xxxx' ... but you enter rooms, buildings."
                    print "                    'GET OUT'"
                    print ""
                    print ""
                    print "Observation ------- 'LOOK AROUND' for a global description."
                    print "                    'LOOK AT/UNDER/THROUGH xxxx' : More accurate ..."
                    print "                    'SEARCH xxxx' is the only way to find things."
                    print ""
                    print ""
                    print "Combat ------------ 'ATTACK xxxx WITH xxxx', name of the enemy optional"
                    print "                    when it is alone."
                    print "                    'CAST xxxx' for spell casting, Faun only."
                    print ""
                    print "                    'SHIELD' to SHIEEEEEEEELD like a coward !!!"
                    print ""
                    print "                    'DODGE' to try and duck an attack."
                    print "                    -> rate of success depending on Dexterity."
                    print ""
                    print "                    'FLEE' for cowards or very wounded people."
                    print ""
                    print " Only 4 ACTIONS available during combat, all the others are disabled."
                    print ""
                    print ""
                    print "Miscellaneous ----- 'TALK WITH xxxx', not talk to ..."
                    print ""
                    print "                    'WEAR xxxx' (for armors)"
                    print "                    'USE xxxx' (for potions or items)"
                    print "                    'WANK OFF' : Careful with voyeurs though."
                    print ""
                    print "Inventory --------- 'COMBINE xxxx WITH xxxx' -> Order don't matter !"
                    print ""
                    print "                    'THROW xxxx' (definitive)"
                    print "                    'GVE xxxx TO xxxx'"

                elif act.lower() == "stats":
                    print ""
                    print "                               ~~ STATS ~~"
                    print ""
                    print "---", race.capitalize(),'---'
                    print ""
                    print "         INTELLIGENCE --->",intel,"/ 20"
                    print "         DEXTERITY ------>",dex,"/ 20"
                    print "         SPIRITUALITY --->",spi,"/ 20"
                    print "         COURAGE -------->",cou,"/ 20"
                    print ""
                    print "         HEALTH --------->", health
                    print ""
                    print "         ATTACK --------->", weap_eff+sc_weap_eff, "(Weapons Combined Efficiency)"
                    print "         DEFENSE -------->", armor_eff+shield_eff, "(Armor + Shield Efficiency)"

                elif act.lower() == "help":
                    print ""
                    print "                             ~~ HELP ~~"
                    print ""
                    print "'Actions' to know what you can do."
                    print "'Stuff' for the Inventory, your Weapon and your Armor."
                    print "'Stats' to see how stupid, clumsy, hippie or coward you are."
                    print "'I'm Lost!' if you want to be seen as an asshole."

                                                ## THE REAL SHIT, THE ADVENTURE MANNNNN

                    ## MOTION

            #from table, tavern
                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() in ["enter the toilets", "go to the toilets"]:
                    place = 1.2
                    print ""
                    print "* You enter the toilets. *"
                    print "Dio : Need a pee ?"

                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() == "go to the bar":
                    place = 1.3
                    print ""
                    print "* You approach the bar ... *"

                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() == "get out":
                    place = 1.4
                    print ""
                    print "* You leave your table and step out, IN FRONT OF THE TAVERN *"
                    print "'Haaa, Fresh air!'"

                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() == "go upstairs":
                    place = 1.4
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : You can't, you idiot !"
            #from toilets

                elif place == 1.2 and act.lower() in ["get out the toilets", "get out"]:
                    place = 1.1
                    print ""
                    print "'This place stinks, let's check the bar!', * you exit the toilets"
                    print "and sit on your chair * 'My chair keeps creaking, I hate that ...'"

            #from bar
                elif place == 1.3 and act.lower() in ["go to the table", "go back to the table"]:
                    place = 1.1
                    print ""
                    print "* You cross the tavern and sit on your chair. *"

                elif place == 1.3 and act.lower() in ["enter the toilets", "go to the toilets"]:
                    place = 1.2
                    if gender == "Female":
                        print ""
                        print "'Yerk, stinks like Hell in here!'"
                        print ""
                        print "'Mmmm, I love this place. Must be the smell ...'"

                elif place == 1.3 and act.lower() == "get out":
                    place = 1.4
                    print ""
                    print "* You get out the tavern *, 'Haaa, Fresh air!'"

            #from in front of the tavern

                elif place == 1.4 and act.lower() == "enter the tavern":
                    place = 1.1
                    print ""
                    print "* You enter the tavern. *"

                elif place == 1.4 and act.lower() in ["go next to the tree","go to the tree", "walk to the tree"]:
                    place = 1.5
                    if spi > 8:
                        print ""
                        print "'Haaaa, I love treeeeees !!!'"
                    else :
                        print ""
                        print "* You walk and stop next to the beautiful Oak *"
                        print "'Nothing here, well, just a tree.'"

                elif place == 1.4 and act.lower() == "go to the cab":
                    place = 1.6
                    print ""
                    print "* You approach the cab. * 'A nice way to reach"
                    print "the Capital, isn't it ?'"

            ## from the tree

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() == "enter the tavern":
                    place = 1.1
                    print ""
                    print "* You enter the tavern. *"
                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() == "go in front of the tavern":
                    place = 1.4
                    print ""
                    print "'A nice sign at the entrance, 'Tavern of the Pale Dragon'."
                    print "Except that ... nothing really striking.'"

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() == "go to the cab":
                    place = 1.6
                    print ""
                    print "* You approach the cab. *"

            ## from the cab

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "enter the tavern":
                    place = 1.1
                    print ""
                    print "* You enter the tavern. *"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "go in front of the tavern":
                    place = 1.4
                    print ""
                    print "'A nice sign at the entrance, 'Tavern of the Pale Dragon'."
                    print "Except that ... nothing really striking.'"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "go to the tree":
                    place = 1.5
                    if gender == "male":
                        print ""
                        print "'That would make a perfect firewood!'"
                    else :
                        print ""
                        print "* You walk to the tree. * 'Beautiful Being ...'"

                    ## DESCRIPTIONS

                    ########### 1 : TAVERN's MAIN ROOM

                elif place == 1.1 and init_1_1 == 0 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* A typical tavern on the countryside."
                    print "  'Tavern of the Pale Dragon' says the sign at the entrance."
                    print "  Visible beam, red interior and nice wooden chairs."
                    print "  A door leading to the TOILETS, a staircase being repared,"
                    print "  the BAR counter, nothing really fancy catches the eye. 'Oh,"
                    print "  yes, something does.' An old piano dwells in a corner, like"
                    print "  hiding from the others' sight. It's missing half its keys."
                    print "  'The BARMAN could give me some information, I think.'"
                    print "  Another GUY AT THE TABLE next to mine is playing with a deck"
                    print "  of cards and a whole bunch of stuff for magicians."
                    print "  Felt-hat, nice jacket. 'He must be rich, and cunning."
                    print "  Better be careful.' *"
                    init_1_1 = 1

                elif place == 1.1 and init_1_1 == 1 and init_jack == 1 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* A door leading to the TOILETS, THE BARMAN behind the BAR"
                    print "and Jack the Gambler. *"

                elif place == 1.1 and init_1_1 == 1 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* A door leading to the TOILETS, THE BARMAN behind the BAR"
                    print "and this GUY AT THE TABLE. *"

                      ###### objects and people of the TAVERN

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and init_barman == 0 and act.lower() == "look at the barman":
                    print ""
                    print "* Small man, with a white apron stained with beer, 'he looks"
                    print "  quite nice, I should really talk to him about my JOURNEY."
                    print "  Ask for some information about the Capital'. *"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and init_barman == 1 and act.lower() == "look at the barman":
                    print ""
                    print "'Very Nice, Guy. Thanks to him I know where I go now."
                    print "Maybe I could come back here sometimes, share a beer"
                    print "with the chap.'"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and init_jack == 0 and act.lower() == "look at the guy at the table":
                    print ""
                    print "* A small black moustache over red lips. Playing with a coin, he"
                    print "  juggles from a finger to another. He seems to be the roaming"
                    print "  guy we always hate in every story. Hidden behind a diry eyeglass."
                    print "  'I should talk to him. Maybe he could help me reach Hardland.' *"

                elif (place in [1.1,1.3] and init_jack == 1 and act.lower() == "look at Jack") :
                    print ""
                    print "'Well, Jack the Gambler. Nice player, however everytime I"
                    print "look at him I feel like this sweet desire to stab him to death."
                    print "Strange!'"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and init_jack == 2 and act.lower() == "look at Jack":
                    print ""
                    print "'You well deserved it. Bloody Thief !'"
                    print "Dio : You're an idiot !"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and act.lower() == "look at the beam":
                    print ""
                    print "* Beautiful wooden beam. Old Oak wood. *"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and act.lower() == "look at the piano":
                    print ""
                    print "* No brand on the side. The black coating faded with the time"
                    print "  Most of the keys miss their white protection *"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and act.lower() == "look at the bar":
                    print ""
                    print "* Wooden, as everything in this tavern. Behind it, the BARMAN"
                    print "  and a thousand bottles filled with 'life' *"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and act.lower() == "look at the staircase":
                    print ""
                    print "* A sign 'Under Repair' prevents us from making the whole thing"
                    print "  collapse by stepping in. 'Must be the BARMAN's private rooms"
                    print "  anyway, so no real use for me.' *"

                elif place in [1.1,1.3] and act.lower() == "look at the floor":
                    print "'Well, wooden parquet floor, gently tanned by the hundreds"
                    print "of boots it takes everyday.'"

                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() in ["look at the liquors", "look at the wall","look at the bottles"]:
                    print ""
                    print "'I'd better come closer to get a better look'"

                    ################ 2 : TOILETS

                elif place == 1.2 and init_1_2 == 0 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* Dark room with tiled floor. A small appearing"
                    print "  bulb lighten the whole. It smells like shit, piss, used condoms"
                    print "  and chewing-gum. A stained mirror looks back at me."
                    print "  There's a GENTS' ROOM and another for the LADIES."
                    print "  Both doors are half-opened, showing the dirtiest vision,"
                    print "  both side alike. No paper, no water in the tap, not a single tile"
                    print "  you could described as clean. A small round-shaped WINDOW through"
                    print "  which only few light can pass over the women's part. *"
                    init_1_2 = 1

                elif place == 1.2 and init_1_2 == 1 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* Pretty place, with a room for GENTS another for LADIES"
                    print "  and a cute round WINDOW over the LADIES' ROOM. *"

                elif place == 1.2 and act.lower() == "look at the mirror" :
                    if intel < 10 :
                        print ""
                        print "'Hey, that's me!'"
                        print "Dio : Of course, that's you, bloody idiot!"

                    else :
                        if gender == "female":
                            print ""
                            print "'Oh, I put on some weight recently, STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!'"

                        else :
                            print ""
                            print "'Just a f*cking mirror. It's not broken, it's just"
                            print "dirty as your sister.'"

                elif place == 1.2 and act.lower() == "look at the gents' room" :
                    print ""
                    print "* You push the door revealing vomiting vision *"
                    print "'God, even Sasha grey is cleaner than this!'"

                elif place == 1.2 and act.lower() == "look at the ladies' room" :
                    print ""
                    print "'God, it stinks like hell, in here ...'"
                    print "* A wild sqweaking noise appears *"
                    if cou > 8:
                        print "'What's that noise ? I'd better, search the place.'"

                    else :
                        print "'What's that noise ??!! Damn scary ....'"
                        print "I'm getting out of here !!!"
                        print "* You exit the toilets and reach your table *"
                        place = 1.1
                elif place == 1.2 and init_1_2 == 1 and act.lower() == "look at the floor":
                    print "'Black and white tiling floor. Well, Black and Brown, actually"

                            ################ 3 : BAR

                elif place == 1.3 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* A BAR, a BARMAN and a wall full of liquor bottles."

                elif place == 1.3 and act.lower() in ["look at the liquors", "look at the wall","look at the bottles"]:
                    print ""
                    print "Local Spirits' names are Dragon Breath, Sleepy Hound,"
                    print "The Star-Clad Virgin, Primary Cry, Green Widow and Black Lantern."
                    print "'Maybe I should try one of these ...'"
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : No, you shan't!"
                    print ""
                    print "'Shut up, You!'"
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : You need your money, Monkey!"

                            ################ 4 : IN FRONT OF THE TAVERN

                elif place == 1.4 and act.lower() == "look around" and init_1_4 == 0:
                    print ""
                    print "* A beautiful tavern the man's got here. Right in front, by the path,"
                    print "  stonestairs lead to the main door."
                    print "  Upstairs, we can't see light and a silhouette moving,"
                    print "  probably the barman's lady doing her duties. Few yards away on your left,"
                    print "  a CABMAN is smoking a cigar, leaning against his CAB. Few steps from two"
                    print "  horses he had tied to the nearest fence. He's making circles with the smoke,"
                    print "  his eyes lost in the misty sky of the evening. The CAB seems it self"
                    print "  broken though. It's tilting quite a bit on its left side."
                    print "  On your right, along the tavern, an oak TREE spreads its branches"
                    print "  and covers the roof with its natural wisdom and protection *"
                    init_1_4 = 1

                elif place == 1.4 and act.lower() == "look around" and init_1_4 == 1:
                    print ""
                    print "* Nothing really special here ..."
                    print "  Few yards away, a CABMAN next to his CAB"
                    print "  A TREE and an empty street in an empty village *"

                elif place in [1.4,1.6] and act.lower() in ["look at the tree","look at the cab"]:
                    print ""
                    print "'I'd better come closer to get a better look'"

                elif place in [1.4,1.6] and act.lower() == "look at the cabman":
                    print ""
                    print "* Long hair. Red. Small goatee. Dressed like a Sir going to a ball."
                    print "  Clean suit jacket and perfectly-sized trousers, a golden chain"
                    print "  swaying along his thigh, probably a pocket watch. The distinctive"
                    print "  shape of a six-gun under his jacket. Better be wise and careful *"

                            ################ 5 : THE TREE

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() in ["look around", "look at the tree"] and init_tree == 0:
                    print ""
                    if spi > 8 :
                        print "'A beautiful treeeeee, and such a beautiful trunk, Emmmmmm'"
                        print ""
                        print "Dio : You f*cking hippies love trees, right ? Arf, can't believe"
                        print "      you're still here, we have a Quest to accomplish, come on !!!"
                        print ""
                        print "'Look, there something in there ... it's shiny.'"

                    else :
                        print "* This magnificient oak tree must dwell here since centuries. *"
                        print ""
                        print "Dio : Or a Faun gave it some help growing faster. Those damn hippies"
                        print "      are quite good when dealing with dead stuff."
                        print ""
                        print "'Trees aren't dead stuff, you old crackpot !'"
                        print "'Look, there something in there ... it's shiny.'"
                    init_1_5 = 1
                    init_tree = 1

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() in ["look around", "look at the tree"] and init_tree == 1:
                    print ""
                    print "'I'd better search it. It looks like something is hidden in the trunk.'"

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() in ["look around", "look at the tree"] and init_packet == 2:
                    print "" 
                    print "'My luck of the day. A handful of golden coins right in the trunk."
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : This won't always be that easy ..."

                            ################ 6 : THE CAB AND THE CABMAN

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look around":
                    print ""
                    print "* Sparsely lit by the tavern's indoor lights, only the ignited end of the cigar"
                    print "  the man is smoking glows through the night. His two horses crop tall grass"
                    print "  rotating their ears at every sound. The left rear wheel of the carriage seems"
                    print "  dislodged from the axle. *"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() in ["look at the horses"]:
                    print ""
                    print "* you pick some grass and feed them *"
                    print "'Hey there! You both look so beautiful'."
                    print "* One chestnut, the other pure black. A well-tied rope attached"
                    print "  to the other end to the neighbour's crumbling fence *"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the fence":
                    print ""
                    print "'This fence is totally wasted. It's crumbling to pieces."
                    print " Taking a stick out of it would be a piece of cake'"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the fence" and init_cabman == 1:
                    print ""
                    print "Hey, it looks like a part of it could be ripped off."
                    print "This could definitely help the cabman ..."

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the wheel" and init_cabman == 1:
                    print ""
                    print "'I need to find something to repair this damn wheel. It's my ticket"
                    print " to the Capital."

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the wheel":
                    print ""
                    print "'It's well damn broken. It went out of the axle, probably"
                    print " by driving over a big rock or something.'"
                    print ""
                    print " Cabman : Nope, a stupid deer charged it when entering the village, Sir."

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the cab":
                    print ""
                    print "* Pretty nice carriage, all black, four big wheels."
                    print "  A red padded driver seat, looking comfy as a piano seat"
                    print "  'The CABMAN has almost finished his cigar, I'd better talk"
                    print "  with him' *"

                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the floor":
                    print ""
                    print "* Dirt * "
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : You don't day !"
                elif place == 1.6 and act.lower() == "look at the sky":
                    print ""
                    print "Awwww what's a beautiful night!"
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN' ??!!"
                    print "      Find the way to get out of here. And FAST !!!"

                    ## SEARCHING
                elif place == 1.1 and act.lower() == "look under the table":
                    init_jacket = 1
                    print ""
                    print "'Damn, what's this ?'"
                    print ""
                    print "// You get LEATHER JACKET // Type : Armor // Def : 2"
                    print "Now wearing :",armor,"/ Def:",armor_eff
                    print ""
                    print "Wear now ? Yes/No"
                    act = raw_input("? --> ")
                    print ""
                    if act.lower() == "yes":
                        armor = "Leather Jacket (2)"
                        armor_eff = 2
                        if gender.lower() == "female":
                            print "'Perfect! And the colour brings out my eyes so well.'"

                        else :
                            print "'Smells like piss but still can be useful.'"

                    else :
                        inv.append("Leather Jacket")
                        print "Object added to your Stuff."

                elif place == 1.5 and act.lower() == "search the tree":
                    print ""
                    print "'Damn, it looks like a small leather packet is stuck here."
                    print " Here it goes'"
                    print ""
                    print "Dio : Look inside, you idiot!"

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