██████╗ ███████╗███████╗███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══███╔╝████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝█████╗ ███╔╝ ██╔████╔██║███████║██████╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ███╔╝ ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██╔══██╗ ██║ ██║███████╗███████╗██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ Hearts of Iron IV - Update v1.4.0 - (checksum 9b1f) ███████████████████████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░ cs.rin.ru ░░▒▒▓▓████ ██ ██ ██ This is only the update!!! ██ ██ This update requires game to be v1.3.3 (checksum 2dd2). ██ ██ ██ ██ 1. Start "HoI IV - Update v1.4.0.exe". ██ ██ 2. Browse to your game folder and click Install. ██ ██ 3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder. ██ ██ 4. Copy the crack if is needed. ██ ██ 5. And that's all!!! Now play the game. ██ ██ ██ ██ NOTE! ██ ██ • Update removes 16 files, put 552 new files and update 649 files. ██ ██ ██ ██████ 2017.06.14. ████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░ cs.rin.ru ░░▒▒▓▓████ ██ ██ Made by RezMar - for cs.rin.ru/forum ▓▓ ▒▒ Forum topic --> ░░ http://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=65592